Weblog del Laboratorio Aragonés de Usabilidad

1st International Workshop on Computer Users’ Behaviour (CUB08)

Se está organizando un Workshop sobre la conducta de los usuarios de ordenadores. Se buscan artículos sobre teorías, investigaciones y aplicaciones así como proyectos innovadores: 

Day by day, the use of computers and telecommunication networks by the consumers is continuously growing. Moreover, in the last years these rates have increased a lot due to the arrival of new access gadgets (e.g. iPhone, PDA, GPS, Origami, IPTV, faster mobiles, etc.) and the boom of Social Networks, where millions of people interact everyday.

The Workshop invites proposals from the introductory to the advanced level on computer users’ behaviour. Proposals which address the theory, research and applications as well as describe innovative projects are encouraged. All papers submitted to this conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee. Submissions from practitioners and consultants are encouraged.


CUB08 is looking for research contributions related to computer users’ behaviour, perceptions and responses to the following key aspects:

  • Multichannel business management: consumer similarities or differences between digital and physical channels; channel cannibalism; interchannel synergies or conflicts, etc.
  • Sectorial experiences: the influence of type of product on the development of the business through the Internet; experiences in selling tangible or intangible products (goods vs services); commercialization of standardised vs non-standardised products, etc.
  • Customizing possibilities of products or services through the net: one to one marketing, microsegmentation of the market, etc.
  • Consumers’ responses to different solutions and strategies in on online business: security, trust management, etc.
  • The influence on computers users’ behaviour of usability, accessibility, web design and virtual store ambience issues, etc.
  • New marketing methodologies: viral marketing, target marketing, Geo-marketing, IPTV, behavioural marketing, widget marketing, etc.
  • Social networks: mobile social networks, corporative social networks, non-profit vs profit social networks, security issues, usability and accessibility on social networks, etc.
  • E-Learning: possibilities and limitations; complementarities with traditional systems; users satisfaction and quality perceptions, etc.
  • Mobile businesses: consumer’s characteristics, more successful distributed products, usability and accessibility challenges in mobile devices, etc.


Llamada a la participación 

Se celebra del 1 al 5 de Septiembre de 2008 en Turín.  Más información


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